You’re here!! 

I was starting to think you were going to do something crazy — like try to grow your business on Tik Tok by yourself! LOL. 

Now that would be a sight to see!

Here are some ways we can work together & 

significantly grow your audience and revenue 

using TikTok.


 Tap on the button that fits your needs most 

Keenya is the CEO of If You brand It, a marketing and consulting firm in San Diego, CA where she strategically helps business owners develop video marketing strategies

Keenya decided to learn about the TikTok platform as a way to market her business during the pandemic. In just 2 year Keenya has grown her account to over 480,000 followers and has helped clients reach millions of followers as well.

As a partner with the Keenya Kelly brand you will surely reach Keenya’s strong female audience of influencers and entrepreneurs and learn all of the strategies of using TikTok to market your business.