- Purchase an external light, also known as a ring light. You can get a light for as low as $12 or as much as $300. I purchased a ring light 4 years ago for $170 and just recently had to replace it, but it helped me generate well over $400,000. So Im pretty sure my $172 purchase was more than worth it.
- If you’re unable to purchase a ring light, make sure that when you are recording your content that you are in front of a big bright window or in a room with a lot of overhead lighting.
- One of the GREATEST features on the Tiktok app is the TIMER feature. This gives you up to 10 seconds to get in place for your video allowing your video to begin exactly where you want it to begin. Have you ever watched a video from someone that hits the record button and then has to snap in place….. well on Tiktok you can avoid that by using the timer feature.