I recently released a podcast episode where I talked about all of the distractions I have experienced while moving to California and starting this new normal of a life. Granted not all distractions are terrible, but the definition of a distraction is: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
Some of them have included: my cats, sleep, Netflix, hot surfer Jesus loving me and spending days at a time scrolling social media. You would think that I would be in 100% control of myself and be super perfect, but unfortunately, that’s not my situation. LOL
I found myself not recording my weekly podcast episodes, forgetting to respond to text messages and emails, as well as engaging in the #1 reason why I am in California.
How does this happen?
…and no one is immune to them.
As an entrepreneur I always teach my clients that you have to become self-motivated because you will not have a boss telling you what time to report to work, giving you your task list for the day or reminding you of important dates, deadlines or payments you need to make in your business.
After WEEKS of being completely distracted i sat with myself and said Keenya, you’ve got to get focused. I’ll be honest I spent a few hours feeling sorry for myself about the things I hadn’t accomplished prior to that moment, but I also recognize that that wasn’t going to help me either.
So I decided to fight for my focus!!
Each day I started to make a list of all the things I needed to accomplish that day, prioritizing the list and making a serious effort to not end the day without everything on the list being completed.
Since I work from home with many of my distractions, I decided to leave the house each day, fully clothed…meaning I actually showered and work at a local coffee shop until my daily tasks were complete. Was this a challenge? UH YES But was I able to get back focused? ABSOLUTELY!
Also, once a week I decided I would record 4 podcasts so that my content was never behind, as well as scheduling them for release. I know that sounds like a lot, but man it has been a HUGE blessing when each episode comes out and Im not racing to my computer and microphone to make sure I have something coming out that day.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I still have to fight for my focus because its always 100+ degrees here and the thought of getting into my HOTT car driving 15 minutes down the street is NOT appealing, but when I think about everything I desire to accomplish and the people I desire to help, it totally keeps me motivated.