Ever since I launched my book Before You Quit Your Job, I’ve been having many conversations on a daily basis with people that have amazing business ideas, but have no idea what to do next. Honestly, that is what kept me from pursuing entrepreneurship for SO LONG!
I’ve had ideas for a gym, hair products, writing books, building a design agency and more. As a child I had my own candy store that I operated from my book bag, but as an adult I was like but maybe I can’t do this. It’s interesting what we have the courage to do as children that we lack the confidence to do as a full blown adult with a bank account.
But here is what I learned and what I had to do in order to stop wishing and actually start doing.
I honestly had to pray and ask God what he wanted me to focus on for this time in my life. I feel like there are great business ideas, but they are sometimes launched at the wrong time, and then bad business ideas launched at the perfect time. Once I spent some times praying and then watching people respond to me online and in real life I realized that teaching and consulting was exactly what I should be doing and the people around me agreed.
I did a live teaching on Facebook recently all about what to do with ideas or choosing an idea and I want you to watch it HERE
Plus, I decided to do a FREE Webinar teaching and a live 30 minute Q & A to help you with your new idea.