I can’t even begin to express how excited I am about my new book “Before You Quit Your Job” being officially published. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel once I had it in my hands.
I decided to open the package on Facebook LIVE, but before I went live I decided to take a moment to pray and thank God. I CRIED!!
I didn’t know how emotional I was going to feel, but as I thanked God for giving me the courage, energy, words and finances to fund the book, I became overwhelmed. You guys know that I always talk about overcoming divorce and going after my dreams, well I never thought I would be able to accomplish this. I thought my writing was awful, my confidence to write an entire book was shot and I had absolutely NO IDEA how to publish a book.
As the book laid in my lap I KNEW that it only happened because God is so amazing and he gave me everything I needed to accomplish this task. It was also like God way of saying, this is a new season, old things have passed away. Like my book was a physical manifestation of all of the promises God has made me and him saying “See Keenya, YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH ME.”
So today I want to say to you, YOU TOO can do all things through Christ. I know that we are coming upon the new year, but if you set your mind to it, you can do something BIG before January 1st.
For me – Im working on another BIG THING!!!!!!! I hope you are too.