Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be hard… but it can be!!
When I launched into entrepreneurship 16 years ago, I had no idea what I was not only getting myself into, but all of the peaks and valleys I would have to endure along the way. I was under the impression that you could just create a product or service, pay for advertising and generate millions of dollars overtime, but boy was I wrong.
Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore being an entrepreneur and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, BUT if I knew then what I know now, I probably would have made a lot less mistakes, saved a lot more money and honestly cried a whole lot less tears. YA HEARD! LOL
For the last 18 months I’ve been working with a lot of entrepreneurs getting them clear on the type of businesses they should start, education them on the process of actually starting their businesses and then strategically building and launching them to turn into profits, and I have noticed a few reocurring themes:
- The average person has no idea how to even start a business
- Being great at a thing does’t necessarily make you the perfect entrepreneur and a learning curve will be necessary
- Community support is necessary for long term success.
With this in mind I created my digital entrepreneur school Define It Declare It Brand It a 6 Week school walking you through everything necessary to be successful in starting and launching your business.
But heres the BIG THING…
Although I love digital courses, THIS course will be a lot different. During our 6 weeks together I will spend 40 hours LIVE with you inside of the course answering your questions, conducting live trainings with question and answer opportunities & our community of students is asked to participate with answering your questions as well.
This means you will get absolutely everything you need to start, brand and launch your business with the community to support you.
Entrepreneurship can be very very scary, but with everything we’ve worked on here for the last 18 months, we have removed all hurdles that would possibly keep you from building the business of your dreams.
But I wanna hear from you….
How can I help you?