Outlaws are here to “stick it to the man.” They are rebellious, stir up controversy, and don’t care about having approval from anyone else. They are not led by usual social conventions, and their products interrupt the status quo and are disruptive. They are raw, candid, and brutally honest.
They celebrate defiance and independence, and their voice is bold and even polarizing. They don’t sugarcoat anything; they tell it like it is, and forge ahead no matter what. Outlaws despise being silenced or pushed down, and they want their audience to feel rebellious and thrilled.
- “Rules are made to be broken”
- “I’d rather be one person’s shot of whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea”
- “Well-behaved women rarely make history”
- To overturn the old, dysfunctional system
- Appeals to customers or employees who feel disenfranchised from society
- Helps retain values threatened by emerging ones
- Paves the way for revolutionary new attitudes
- Low to moderate pricing
- Breaks industry conventions
- Crossing over to “the dark side”
- Crime
- Harley-Davidson
- Diesel
- Urban Outfitters