Ever had a season in your business where everything you touch turns to gold and then in a blink of an eye NOTHING is working? Rest assured, that is the life of an entrepreneur, but that is also a clue that a shift has happened in your life and business and now is the time for more wisdom and a new strategy.
One of the things that CEO’s do on a regular basis is assess what is and isn’t working in their businesses. They assess their products, services, employees and even benefits that they offer to their employees in order to determine if things need to change or stay the same.
This doesn’t mean that you or your business is failing, it just means you need to evaluate everything and makes changes where needed. Personally, I do this a few times a year because as a personal brand building online, it’s important to know what changes are happening online, what is now working vs what was working and make the updates.
The last thing you wanna do is to keep selling products and services that your audience no longer desires from you and investing dollars into marketing, but the strategies are outdated.
Also – because I am a Jesus girl, I always consult with him and ask what should I be doing in this season, what should stay and what new thing should I implement. Surprisingly enough, I always get an answer and its better than I could have ever imagined.