5 reasons you are not growing on Social Media
If you’re not growing on social media, there’s a reason why. And in this article, I wanna talk to you about the five reasons you’re probably not growing on social media, but what you should be doing differently. One of the things to know about social media is that we all want to be able […]
You Should Be Using Tik Tok
I know what you are thinking… “Isn’t that the dancing app for high schoolers?” Well yes, but sorta. A lot of high schoolers are on there dancing, but so am I!!! LOL CLICK HERE At first I found Tik Tok to be seriously annoying and hard to understand until I watched some of my favorite […]
Build Before You Launch
As a creative we are super overloaded and preoccupied with the amazing things we create and less interested in the other things that are actually needed to run a successful business. Right? Like I love teaching groups of entrepreneurs about systems, funnels and strategically building their brands, but I find myself be completely uninterested with […]
Instagram Should Be A Part Of Your Marketing Strategy
Building a digital business can feel extremely overwhelming, especially when you think of everything you have to do day to day in your business. Not to mention, engaging with your amazing audience of people on all of the social media platforms where they have connected to you. But if you are not building your business […]
3 Reasons To Be A Entrepreneur
In todays economy its almost mandatory for a person and/or family to have multiple sources of income just to say afloat. I encountered a person recently of whom works a full-time job, drives for Uber and something else on the weekends, that totally blew my mind. But to be honest, its not all that shocking. […]