This is episode three in our series Hearing God. 

We released 10 episodes right at the beginning of January 2023 to help you to get started with the year. 

So they’re all very short episodes. If this is the first article, you’re gonna read. Then you’re gonna wanna go back and you wanna check out episodes one and two.

And today we are talking about hearing God by reading the Bible. 

Now, I do have to tell you a very funny story about reading the Bible. 

So I have been a Christian basically since birth. I was just born into it. And so I always just go to church. Even when I was acting a fool, I still would go to church. I would go to the club that night and then that next morning I’d be singing in a choir. 

Crazy? I know. But that’s kind of what my life was. 

And as I started deciding to get a relationship with God, I started to realize that I really don’t know anything about the Bible. I don’t spend any time reading the Bible. 

And so I decided that I was gonna go and buy myself a Bible and someone said, “Go and get yourself the New Living Translation. It’s a lot easier to understand”

And so I went out and got a bible from LifeWay Christian Bookstore and I got an NLT version. And the person said, “Okay, you wanna start with the gospels?”

And I’m like, “The Gospel? Gospel music or what are you talking about? What’s the gospels?”

And they said, “Well, the gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John” 

And before I was like, “Why are those called the gospels?” 

I’m just being honest here. 

And so when I finally figured out where the books were located, I said, “Okay, I’m ready”

So then I read the book of Matthew and I said, “Oh wow, that was really good” And then I read the book of Mark and I was like, “This seems really familiar” 

Then I read Luke. And I was like, “What is going on?” 

And I was looking at my Bible. And thinking that I just read this part multiple times. I scrolled back and noticed that I’ve read this and that. 

And so literally I almost packed up, put my purse on, got in the car, almost went back to the Lifeway Christian bookstore and to get a refund on my book.

And it was because I thought I had a defective Bible.

I thought I had a defective bible because I was like, “Why is it all sounding the same? It’s a little different, but why is it all sounding the same?” 

I didn’t realize that the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are four people with their accounts of Jesus. Right? 

And I was like, “Why don’t they say that?” 

It probably did, but I wasn’t paying any attention and I thought I had a defective Bible. 

That’s how my life and journey got started as it pertains to reading the Bible. 

Now, fast forward to today. I’m still on a journey of experiencing the Bible, reading the Bible and here’s what I have learned.

What I have learned is that the Bible is a manual for Christians.

It’s not like a book of rules. Don’t do this or this is gonna happen. No! It’s a manual. It’s like, “Here’s how to live this life on earth. I am your Father, Jesus is your brother, the Holy Spirit is your comfort and your guide. Here is your manual for life.” 

And when I think about a manual. A car has a manual, my cell phone has a manual. And it’s in the times when I need to know why my phone is malfunctioning or what is happening with my phone. Then I’m able to read the phone manual. 

If my car is having a malfunction, I can read the manual.  

And so here we are in this life and we’re trying to figure out how to navigate this life. And the easiest way to know how to navigate this life is by reading the Bible. 

I’m not saying that about you just opening up the Bible one, then just putting your finger in there and finding answers. But what I’m saying is that if you’re on a journey and you wanna learn how someone thinks, how someone operates and all that, then you have to spend time with them.

You have to spend time watching how they navigate with other people. 

For example, a lot of times people say, “You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his mother” Possibly true and not true. But that’s like a phrase that we all hear. 

And so if a man is really terrible to his mom, then you might think that this man has issues with women.

And so if we read the Bible, we will see how Jesus operated with all the different people. 

Like Jesus was so unassuming. He was so kind. He made time and space for everybody. He wasn’t in a hurry or whatever. 

But at the same time, when people were acting a fool in the Bible. Sometimes there was a lot of patience. Sometimes it was great. Other times it was just a Pillar of salt and done. 

And so if you are wanting to learn how God operates, how God thinks. Or when you’re trying to navigate your own life and your own relationship with God. One of the easiest ways to do that is just by reading God’s word. 

What does God say about fear? What does He say about patience? What does he say about love or kindness? What does he say about work? What does he say about marriage? 

What does he say about all these different things? 

And it’s so easy to navigate that. For example, I remember when we were all dealing with Covid-19, people were trying to figure out how to operate. Like the church was trying to figure it out. The world was trying to operate it. Everybody was trying to figure it out. 

And it was like if we all would just read in the same Bible, there’s an opportunity to take a moment and just go, “Hey, let’s take a pause. Let’s not fight with one another. Let’s not do this” 

What if we all just kind of went, “God, what are you saying? What are your words saying”

I think that we would’ve had a lot less fights or whatever. 

And so if you’re trying to figure out how you’re hearing God. Then one of the easiest ways to do it is to go to God’s word because He will highlight something to you. 

You’ll be reading along and then He’ll pull something out, not because it’s familiar per se to you, but you’ll be reading and then it’ll be like, “Wait, what? And it’ll be like a revelation.

But sometimes you might be reading something completely different from what your circumstance is, and then all of a sudden He comes out of left field or right field with what it is that you are needing to hear from Him because you’re just spending time in his word. 

So, if you’re trying to navigate how to be able to hear God for yourself, your life, your business or whatever. Then spending time reading the Bible is gonna be one of your biggest, biggest blessings if you would just take the time to do that. 

Again, this is episode three of our 10 part series. We have another episode that’s coming up. 

If you’re enjoying this, write the review and then just tell me on social media what you’re loving about it, because it’s very encouraging for me.


Finally, if you need holy spirit-led guidance? Want to know what God wants you to focus on in your life or business this year? Then a Creative Consult is for you.

Click here to find out more about Creative Consulting. 

Hearing God Pt. 3: Read the Bible

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 10, 2023

This is episode three in our series Hearing God.  We released 10 episodes right at the beginning of January 2023 to help you to get started with the year. 

Audios on TikTok are super important, and using trending audios can definitely give your videos a boost. 

In this article, I’m gonna share with you how to find the TikTok trending audio, and then how to add the sounds to your videos. 

So one of the things to know as a business owner, oftentimes you may find yourself saying, “I don’t wanna actually do a trend, but I want to talk into a video and I want to add a trending sound to my video”

Well, I wanna share with you how to do that correctly.

Because oftentimes what happens is that people find an audio and they try to speak over the sound, but then when they go to edit, they’re like, “I can hear the audio, but I can’t hear me speaking” 

And that’s because there’s a process to do this. 

So you can use a sample video where there’s audio attached to it. And then go ahead and play it really quickly so you can hear it. 

And so now you can click below to use the sound. 

Now, if you’re actually trying to speak into a certain video with the audio, here’s what you’re gonna experience. So the audio is up as you can see in the image below. And then you can hit the red button then you can talk and talk.

So basically what ends up happening is that you have the sound playing and you’re trying to speak over it, but it doesn’t work that way. 


Go ahead and discard everything and then we actually have to remove the sound. 

So let’s start all the way over. 

And then you can go back to the original video you chose. Go ahead and click on the little circle down. And then click Add this sound to favorites.

So now you added the sound to your favorites. 

Now you wanna actually create and speak into your video first and then add the sound afterwards. 

You just need to click up where it says Add sound and click on Add to favorites. And then you’ll find the sound you added earlier. 

You can click it to add and hear the sound again. 

So now what has to happen, as you can notice, is that you’re talking and the music is super loud together.

You have to adjust the sound. You need to click on the Volume below, and then now you can adjust the volume. 

Original sound is you talking, the added sound is the music. 

What you wanna do is you wanna actually turn the Original sound up all the way to 200%. And then you can turn the Added sound to let’s just say 25%. 

Now, you’ll notice that you talk a lot louder than the sound does.

So if you’ve been asking yourself, how in the world do I speak into a TikTok video and then add a sound later where that is how you do it.

And if you want more tutorials like this, and you actually wanna learn how to create content on the TikTok platform and know how to use all the different features. 

We have an amazing course that we created, and it’s called Create on TikTok. 

Go ahead and sign up for the course, so we can show you all the things about using the TikTok platform and make it easy and simple.

How to add sound behind your voice

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 9, 2023

Audios on TikTok are super important, and using trending audios can definitely give your videos a boost.  In this article, I’m gonna share with you how to find the

Did you know that God could talk to you in your dreams? 

Like He literally can talk to you in your dreams and He wants to talk to you in your dreams. And He will reveal all types of things. 

And so in this article, I’m gonna talk to you about a specific warning dream that I got over and over again that I did not know was a warning and how I deal with dreams.

So it’s really important to know that we have 24 hours in a day. We are typically awake 16 hours and we’re supposed to sleep for eight hours. And so that’s basically us sleeping 1/3 of the day and us sleeping ⅓ of our lives.

God is so kind. He is always talking to us. 

He always wants to talk to us. 

And one of the ways that God communicates is in dreams. And if you look in the Bible, there were people that had dreams. There was, I think Joseph, who was actually interpreting dreams. And Pharaoh had a very powerful dream that needed to be interpreted.

And so dreams are a natural normal thing. 

Now, it’s important to know that when you have dreams at night, you get them from three different sources. 

One, it could be a soul dream. And a soul dream is basically where it’s you. It’s your soul that is dreaming.

And then a second one is from the devil. The devil can give you demonic dreams. 

And then the third, God can give you dreams.

But now it’s really important to note that whether a dream was from God or not, all three of them are actually telling you something. 

If you have a soul dream, then what’s happening is that you can see what it is that your soul is thinking or feeling or experiencing, because sometimes we are completely unaware.

And so a dream can tell you that. 

While the devil may be invading your dreams, acting a fool. It will also tell you, here’s what the devil is doing. Here’s what he’s trying to do. And it gives you eyes to see and ears to hear. 

So now, you can handle whatever it is he’s trying to do or God can give you strategies and wisdom on what to do to keep whatever he’s trying to do from happening per se. 

And then third, when God gives you a dream, He’s trying to tell you something.  

Whether it is prophetic, whether it’s a calling dream, whether it’s a warning dream, it could be a lot of different things that God is trying to tell you.

But all dreams tell you something if you steward a dream. 

Now, when I say that about stewarding a dream, stewarding a dream looks like this, you get a dream and you actually write it down. 

And you actually seek God about the dream. 

I didn’t know this was a thing. I didn’t really know that dreaming was a thing for real, for real, until I started having this warning dream that I’m gonna tell you about.

But once I started realizing, “Oh, I dream all the time” 

And when I really start writing these things down, I get more dreams, I get more strategies, I get more wisdom and I get more revelation. 

I’m like, “Oh my God. There’s a whole world of things that I didn’t know that existed” 

So sometimes when I’m really, really confused and I’m trying to make a decision or whatever is going on. I’ll say, “I’m gonna go to sleep”

I’m going to sleep. “God, give me a dream” 

But He doesn’t always give me a dream, but sometimes He does. 

And I’ll sometimes use my language of dreaming like, “Okay, God, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. Tell me what it is you want me to know because I’m not getting it in my waking life” 

And sometimes it’s immediate, and other times it’ll take a little while. But usually He will tell us something. 

So it’s really important to know that He wants to speak to you in your dreams and He will speak to you in your dreams. 

Sometimes we feel like, “Well, I had this dream because I had hot sauce, or I watched this movie, or I hang out with this person, or I ate this food”

Listen, no matter what the dream was, you still wanna pay attention to it because it’s still telling you something. 

It’s gonna sound kind of crazy, but I hang out with somebody and the night after I hang out with her, I was in my dream and I was “touching myself”.

Masturbation is not an issue for me. I just never had that issue. For real. And so it’s not like a big thing for me. 

And so when I had that, I asked God, “God, what is going on?”

He goes, “Well, she has a really hard time with that, and so I’m inviting you to just pray for her. You could sense it which is why you had that dream” 

I did not tell her I had that dream about her. I didn’t text her. I just started praying for her.

Sounds kind of deep. 

But God is so kind to just invite me to pray for my friend who is struggling in that particular area. 

So now let’s kind of talk about this warning dream that I got that could have changed my entire life. 

So prior to getting with my ex-husband, I had not really had many dreams at all.

The only dream I had ever had was of me preaching at a conference. 

It was my conference and thousands of people were there and I was preaching. That’s the only dream I’ve ever had that I can remember. 

But after I got kind of serious with my ex-husband. When we were dating, I kept having this dream and it was as if I was like a drone. 

It’s like how you can have this aerial view over top and you can see below?

So in this dream, I could see below and I was driving a black SUV, very similar to the SUVs that they drive the president of the United States around. 

I’m driving this SUV into a retail lot. And in this retail lot, the car spins out of control. I hit a bunch of cars and the police showed up.

And I keep having this dream over and over again. And I can’t seem to understand what this dream was about. 

Full disclosure, at that time, my license was suspended and I was driving on a suspended license. And then I needed to go and get that taken care of. 

And so I thought that’s what that dream was about.

So I went and got my license fixed and all the things. But the dream kept coming and I was just like, “I don’t understand what in the world is going on”

And it wasn’t until after I got married, my husband and I were arguing. 

I used to cry all the time in my marriage. I mean, just all the time.

I was so miserable. People didn’t know how miserable I was even before I found out he was cheating. 

Anyway, one night, I’m standing on the stairs and we’re arguing. And I look down at him and I say, “you’re ruining my life”. 

And when I said that,  I got a flash of the dream of my car spinning out of control, and then I could hear, you’re ruining my life.

I realized that I was not supposed to be with him. And so being with him was having a negative impact on my life, which it was in so many different ways. 

And “it was too late” because I was already married to him. 

But what I realized was that if I had actually steward that dream and asked God about the dream. I may not have gotten married to him. 

Now, I can’t say that if I was really farther far along and engaged, that I wouldn’t have married him. But I was getting it pretty early on in our relationship. 

I don’t think that I actually would’ve married him if I really understood the depth, and the gravity of that dream of what God was trying to tell me.

I just had no idea. 

For years I was really mad at God about it. Because I was just like, “Why would you speak to me in hieroglyphics?  Why would you not just tell me what it is that you’re trying to tell me? Why would you talk to me that way?” 

And then, years later I learned this scripture, which is Proverbs 25:2. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. 

In another translation. It is God’s privilege to conceal things in the king’s privilege to discover them. 

And what that basically means to me is that God will conceal a thing. He’ll tell you something and He invites you to come and be with him. To uncover it. To discover it. 

But it’s when we don’t actually seek him that we can’t actually discover it. 

And that’s what happened to me. I didn’t seek Him, so I couldn’t discover it. 

And here I am. I was dealing with what I was dealing with as it pertains to marriage and all that type of stuff.

And so nowadays when I’m having dreams, I pay very close attention. 

So this was kind of funny, I had a dream recently. 

Three dreams back to back in three different days. And I just couldn’t figure out what was going on in these dreams. And I sent it to my best friend, who is not a dream interpreter.

And I said, “What are you experiencing when you read these three dreams?”  And she said, “Well, it just seems like you got a lot of distractions going on. It seems like there’s something going on. You have a lot of distractions” 

And so I went to God and said, “God, are these dreams about distractions?” And He said, “Yes”.

And I said, “Oh, okay. What am I distracted from? Is it a man?” And He said, “No” 

And I was like, “What is something new that I’m doing?”   It was the day before I had downloaded the Facebook dating app, because I’m single and I’m looking to meet people and set up a profile. God said, “It’s the Facebook dating app”

And I was like, “What’s wrong with the Facebook dating app” 

And He goes, “Well, there’s nothing wrong with the dating app. There’s something wrong with you being on the dating app” 

And I’m like, “Who am I thou art the Christ?” And He’s like, “No, the dating apps are not for you. They’re actually gonna hurt you more than they are gonna help you because it’s gonna mess with your self-esteem. And you’re gonna meet these different men who mean you no good” 

And I was like, “So you’re telling me I had three dreams back to back to back because you didn’t want me on the dating app?”

He said, “Yes”

So I deleted the app and I realized, God is so kind, to keep me from hurting myself, from being with the wrong people or messing up. 

I’m not a perfect Christian by any means.

Nowadays, if I’m having dreams, I’m like, “Okay, something is going on here” And I write it down.

Typically what happens to me is when I wake up in the morning, I’m like, “Oh, I had a dream”

And what I learned over the years is that if I don’t write that dream down immediately, I forget it. 

So now when I wake up and realize I had a dream, I grab my phone, go into the notes tab, and I speak into my notes so I can capture it. 

And then when I go have my quiet time and I’m journaling, then I’ll write down the dream. 

So I have this thing, I say, “Okay, what I am going to do is before I get married, I’m gonna tell this guy. Hey, there’s this thing that I do.I dream a lot at night, and when I have a dream and I wake up in the morning, the first thing I have to do is write it down. So if you see me wake up in the morning and grab my phone and you see me speaking into my phone, I’m trying to get this dream out so I don’t forget it” 

And I believe that the man that I’m gonna marry, he will appreciate that. Hands down. 

But that’s like a thing for me. 

And so dreams for me have increased because I feel like I take them seriously. 

I “steward those dreams” 

And so if you are someone and you’re saying to yourself, “I dream at night, or I dream sometimes, but how do I learn how to interpret dreams?”

Well, the way that I learned how to interpret dreams was I went to a dream school at a church. It was like a biblical dream interpretation. 

But also I went onto YouTube and I watched all of John Paul Jackson’s videos. The show was called Dreams and Mysteries. 

I mean, life-changing.

Life-changing when you listen to watch his show. 

And I bought a bunch of DVDs and a bunch of CDs from John Paul Jackson, and it changed my life to where, how I look at dreams nowadays and how I can interpret my own dreams. 

And sometimes when people tell me their dreams, I can ask more questions then help them to uncover, “Hey, this is what your dream is saying this and this is what’s going on in your life”

I’m able to help them with that. 

If you really wanna start stewarding these dreams, one, you gotta start writing them down. 

And then number two, you gotta learn how to interpret dreams. 

You can’t just go on Google and type in black cat or whatever. You gotta really start coming to understand the wholeness of the dream. 

And not just one item in the dream. Alright? 

So I hope you enjoyed this article and be sure to watch out for the articles from You, Me and Jesus. 


In addition, are you a business owner and need Holy Spirit led guidance?

Want to know what God wants you to focus on in your life or business this year? Then a Creative Consult is for you.

Click here to find out more about Creative Consulting.

Warning dream that could have changed my life

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 8, 2023

Did you know that God could talk to you in your dreams? Like He literally can talk to you in your dreams and He wants to talk to you

So this is part two of our series where we’re talking about the Top 10 Things every Entrepreneur Needs to Do this Year because we’re starting off 2023 with a bang.

If you missed part one, you can go back to the previous article. 

But today we are gonna be talking about “What you need to do and the biggest thing is clarity” 

But we’re not just talking about clarity as it pertains to what is your business, but we want to walk through getting some clarity for your goals.

And we’re not just talking about the goals for the year, but we’re talking about three to five year goals. 

I wanna explain why I mentioned this. 

The main reason why I mentioned this is because I’ve been taking some time to really think through, “What have I been doing?” 

Like I got started in my business back in 2016 and at the end of 2020 we decided to shift and focus on TikTok marketing and everything just exploded, which has been great.

I wouldn’t say that I lost my way. But sometimes I would think that everything was just moving so fast that I didn’t really have time to sit down and go, “Okay, is this a part of my 3-5 year plan?” 

And the answer is, “Yes, it is” But actually having more clarity around what that looks like.

We offer this product and services and we know how we get paid, but how does this lead to my ultimate goals of working with women and helping people walk through healing as they’re building their business. 

And so I’ve really been taking a lot of time, this latter part of 2022, of figuring that out.

And so even on my December vacation, I spend some time really thinking about what does this really look like for me? 

Not according to my business coach or my friends, but what does this look like to me? 

To me, for me and with God. 

And as a result of doing that, it really just gave me some clarity in the way that I’m currently showing up, clarity in the people that I’m talking to and how I’m talking too.

And it really helps with my offerings and, and all the things. 

And not only that, it helped with the content that I’m creating on social media to make sure that I’m going after my ultimate goal. 

So here’s what I want you to do. 

I want you to sit down with yourself and say, “Okay, five years from now, how much money do I want? How much money would I want to bring into my business?” 

Second thing is, “Who would I want to be my ideal customer?” 

But then more importantly, “Who am I in 2028? How am I being? Am I healed? Am I walking through new things? Am I more spiritual? Am I more grounded? Am I taking more vacations?”

What is going on with you and your calling and your purpose? How are you serving people? 

Just what does all of that look like for you 5 years from now. 

So I’ll give you an example. Back in 2022, I was at a retreat day and they said, “Okay, close your eyes. And it’s 2025, how much money are you making in your business? You get a phone call and it’s the greatest phone call ever. Who’s calling you?” 

And I said, “Oprah” 

And they said, “Well, why Oprah?” 

And I was like, “Because Oprah got wind of me and found out that not only am I a successful woman, but I’m helping so many women become financially successful, but also healed and held women. So that way they’re not broken rich women, but they’re healed rich women” 

And as I’m walking through this on my own, I said to myself, “Oh wow, that is the cry of my heart but how am I actually focused on that? How am I making that intentional?” 

And my answer was I wasn’t. And that really plague me, not in a bad way, but it was kind of like, “Oh man, I want this but I’m actually not going in that direction”

So I took some time after that retreat and in December I really thought through that. 

And so as I was thinking about updating my brand and my website, all that type of stuff. The message was I have to focus on what’s the cry of my heart. 

And that gave me so much clarity in doing that exercise.

And so ask yourself, if you’re making all the money you wanna make in 2028. How are you helping people? How are you serving people? 

If you have children, what are you doing with your kids? What does that look like to you? 

If you’re married or you have a significant other, what does that look like? Are you happier? Are you doing body building competitions? Are you surfing? 

What are you doing? 

Because the more clarity you have in your purpose and calling in where you’re going, the easier it’s gonna be for you to be able to get there, starting here in 2023. 

So I really want you to take some time right now at the beginning of this year and ask yourself the question of five years from now, what does this look like? 

Yes, ask about your business, but also ask about your personal life.

Ask about your physical and spiritual life. 

Ask yourself all these things. 

And then once you have that, then you wanna build what it is you’re building in 2023. 

Now you wanna start building that to go in that direction, otherwise, if you’re trying to get to 95 South, going to Florida, but you’re actually going 64 east, then you’re never gonna get to Florida because you’re actually going in the wrong direction.

So I want you to take some time to do that. 

I’m still on the journey of making sure that I am going in the right direction, but this is part two of the 10 things every Entrepreneur needs to do for this year.

In addition, you may start thinking of your clear goals for different areas of your life, and one of your goals could be for your business to grow. 

And so, if you are ready to use TikTok for your business, but need some guidance on getting started? Be sure to grab your FREE TikTok Video Idea Templates HERE so you don’t need to reinvent the Tok!

Topic 2 – Get clarity on your 3-5 year goals

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 4, 2023

So this is part two of our series where we’re talking about the Top 10 Things every Entrepreneur Needs to Do this Year because we’re starting off 2023 with

We are in a 10 part series called Hearing God, because this is the brand new year and one of the best things we can do in our lives is know how to hear the voice of God. 

And so we’ve got 10 different episodes. 

One, if you’re on our podcast, you’ve got them all at one time, and so you can listen to them all at one time.

You can also watch some of the episodes each week on YouTube. Make sure to subscribe so you’ll be notified every single time one of the videos drops. 

So in the first episode, we talked about hearing God through reading books and going to classes.

But this one we’re talking about, you can hear God Audibly

Now here is my disclaimer. Most people never hear God speak to them audibly. So if you have never heard Him speak to you audibly, everything’s fine. Most people have never had that happen before.

You’re typically not gonna hear Him speak to you in an audible voice. 

Now I have heard God speak to me once audibly and I thought I was crazy. 

Let me tell you the story. And it’s kind of funny. 

So back in some time from 2007 to 2009, there was this guy that I liked at my church. He was not paying me no mind, but I still liked him. 

And I would come around and all the things, and then they decided to do a fast for lent. I wasn’t familiar with lent and I wasn’t familiar with fasting, but I said, I’m gonna do it because this guy was doing it. Obviously. 

And so at the end of the fast I was at church and they were talking about tithing. And this was the first time that I was making a decision to tithe. 

And so as I was writing on my tithe envelope, I heard God say, “This is your last Sunday” 

I was thinking, “Is this my last Sunday on Earth? I’m about to go to heaven or hell? Where am I supposed to be going? What’s happening?”

But I realized that the voice I was hearing was saying this was my last Sunday in this particular church. 

That time, what I did was I looked up and I looked around the room and nobody was talking to me. 

Then I said, “Maybe it’s the pastor” And so I looked up at him and he was on a whole message. He was doing what he was doing. He was not talking about what I was hearing. 

And I was like, ”Am I going crazy now?” 

There’s this old movie called “My Blue Heaven” where he was like a fake prophet and somebody was feeding him lines in an earpiece behind the stage.

And so I was like, “Am I being punked? Is this like my blue heaven or whatever?” 

But for whatever reason, I decided, “Okay, this voice was correct and I was gonna follow this voice” 

Then I remember that Wednesday, I went to the Bible study and I was crying. I was so sad because I didn’t know why I was leaving this church or where I was supposed to go.

But I was asking God. And I felt He said, “Well, you should go to that church where that girl told you to go” Because somebody else had told me about this church, 15 minutes down the street.

And I was like, I’d never been there before. And she said she’s not going.

But I said, “Okay” 

So I ended up going to this church and the first day I got there, I always sat up front cause I get distracted easily.

And so the service was being done by the young adults. And it was being done really well.

And I was in awe about how these kids were speaking in tongues and they were preaching.

It was a whole thing. 

I was so amazed by what was happening at this church. And I joined immediately. 

That’s when I just started having more experiences with God and all the things. But the only reason why I got there was because I had heard the voice of God audibly and that is a voice that I had never experienced before in my life.

I knew it was Him. After looking around and looking up front, I was like, “Thou art the Christ? I think I just heard God” And I was not used to that whatsoever. 

The Bible says that, “And my sheep will know my voice” It was like I knew His voice even though I didn’t know Him.

Does that make sense? 

It’s like I am His, so I knew His voice even though I didn’t have a real relationship with Him. 

And so my whole point in saying that is that sometimes a way that you can hear God is through His audible voice. 

But I want to caution you that don’t bank on every single time you need an answer about something and that God is gonna speak to you audibly.

Most people never, or maybe once, maybe twice in their lifetime, hear from God in an audible voice. Okay? 

So just note that as you read through this series, most of the things you hear are probably what you’re going to be more likely to experience than hearing the voice of God audibly. 

So just don’t bank on that. All right? 

These are super short articles, but that’s one of the ways that you can hear God. 

Be sure to watch out for episodes 3-10 this coming week. 

Finally, going on a journey with God can prove to me one of the most amazing experiences of your life, but it can also prove to be a little confusing. I want to walk alongside you and help you to not only fall more in love with Jesus than you are today, but truly discover all that lies within you. 

The bible identifies 25 different spiritual gifts that are still in operation today, and it may be surprising to you, but one or some may also lie within YOU!

We have created this simple quiz that is designed to be a guide for you. 

I’ll share this with you. Today, your results may say one thing, but in six months as you grow, it may reveal something else. 

Take the quiz and be sure to share it with your friends. 

Hearing God Pt 2: Audibly

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 4, 2023

We are in a 10 part series called Hearing God, because this is the brand new year and one of the best things we can do in our lives

I am so excited because we are starting a brand new series for the new year. 

And the 100% of the goal is to help you as an entrepreneur. So, you’re gonna get all the things you need to do to get started as an entrepreneur this year. 

And so to start your new year off, we are gonna give you the Top 10 Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Do this Year so that you can just start this thing off right and not try to figure out what you should be doing.

And we are gonna have 10 different articles in this series. 

We are gonna keep it very brief in an effort for you to be able to get in and get out and get what you need.

So one of the things you need to do as an entrepreneur this year is you need to hire an assistant. 

Now, I know that it depends upon where you are in your business, you might be working your business part-time or full-time or where you are with your income. 

You may be saying to yourself, “Well, I can’t actually afford to hire an assistant”

Here’s what I would say, I understand because I have been there. 

But here’s also what I understand, I did not realize how much an assistant would change my life. 

I didn’t realize that once I got an assistant how much more money I could make as a result of somebody taking a lot of things off of my plate.

I didn’t understand it.

And so it took me years before I got an assistant but it has literally changed everything about me, my life and my business. 

And then of course it is having someone else be employed full-time. 

So here’s something I want you to know about hiring an assistant.

A friend of mine said, “If you’re gonna hire an assistant, I want you to write down all the things you do in your business that you don’t enjoy doing?” 

And I thought it’s kind of morbid to give to someone. But he said, “But it is what it is. You need an assistant” 

And so I made a list of all the things that I’m doing in my business in general, and then I checked off the things that I did not want to do. 

Then when I posted a job on, I posted, “Here are the things that I need an assistant to do. So you need to have experience with these”

And when I started interviewing people that were in the US and in different countries, I could see the people that had all the skills to do the things that I did not want to do. 

And to see how they enjoyed doing them or just were really good at doing them. 

So when I hired my assistant, it literally changed my life so much.

If you send us an email and you’re in conversation with Adora. She’s so helpful. She’s so gifted. I’m so thankful. 

I remember one time I said to her, “I’m giving you a pay raise.” 

She didn’t ask for it, but she’s changing my whole life. 

And she was like, “Wow, what is going on?” 

My assistant helped us with our systems and processes. Meaning that she has experience with creating standard operating procedures. 

She knew how to take all the things that I was saying on a Zoom video and turn them into processes. 

She knew how to set up all these systems in the business so that I could really focus on being a visionary because like I’m just not an attention to detail person. 

I haven’t been that way. And I’ve been evolving and growing. 

But if that is someone’s natural tendency to be that way and to assist. Then let’s just go ahead and let them do what it is that they do best. 

If you’re gonna have the most success this year of 2023, you have got to hire an assistant.

And so if you want a way to hire one, just go to, and you can post a job. 

But before you post a job, you can actually just search for assistance and you can see other  job posts. 

You can search in terms of finding a job as an assistant so you can see what other employers are saying in their job post. 

If you’ve never written a job description, just go and see what other people are posting as job descriptions for a virtual assistant.

Then you can just tweak it for you and post it in upwork for a job. It’s really easy. 

And then you’ll get a ton of people that are interested in the job and then you can look at their profile, their starts, or their reviews. And then you can also have conversations with them. 

You can also set up interviews and just go through that process. 

I promise you it’s gonna save you so much time, so much energy, so much stress. 

And when you look up in six, nine months, or maybe even 90 days, you’re gonna be so glad that the first thing you did this year in 2023 is hire an assistant. 

And so this is part one and there are 10 different topics that are gonna be in this series. 

If you want more, make sure that you check our articles on a regular basis or you can listen to the whole series on our podcast platforms


Finally, if you want to learn all of the basics when it comes to not only navigating the TikTok platform, but being able to create content that reaches your target audience.

Be sure to check the Create on TikTok Course and start marketing your business on TikTok this year. 

Topic 1 – Hire a Part Time Assistant

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 3, 2023

I am so excited because we are starting a brand new series for the new year. And the 100% of the goal is to help you as an entrepreneur.

Using trending audios on TikTok are super popular, but if you’re brand new to TikTok, you’re probably confused. 

In this article, I’m gonna share with you a very simple tutorial on how to use a TikTok trending audio so that you can use a trend on TikTok today. 

So first you wanna find a video that has audio that you wanna use. 

Okay, so there’s always trending audio on TikTok, and you can use it if you want to. 

Well, the way to find that audio is just down at the bottom where you see the little circle.

All you’re gonna do is to click on that audio down the bottom. And then the audio will appear like this. And then you can hit play on it to listen to the audio again. 

And so if you wanna use a certain sound, all you need to do is click where it says, use this sound below. 

Now, if you’re gonna use a certain sound, it’s gonna be really important for you to rehearse what is actually happening in the sound.

If you’re going to mouth what she says, and you have to rehearse it and make sure that your sound is on point. 

Unless you wanna do what the guy did in the sample video I used, which is where he was just looking around, listening to the person saying it. 

And so when you use a sound, the audio will be up on your screen, which is why you see the scrolling bar.

So now you can record a video with an audio behind it. 

That is it. 

That’s how you use trending audio on the TikTok platform. 

And so if you wanna use that, then go ahead. You can scroll and find different videos on the TikTok platform that are working very well, and then you can use those specific audios.

Now, for more tutorials like this, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube Channel. That way you can always be updated every single time we have a brand new video. We have a lot of different things that we teach on a regular basis. TikTok marketing business and also increasing your revenue.

We have new videos, every Monday and every Thursday, but if you want more specific tutorials like you want a whole course on that.

Well, we have a course which is called Create on TikTok, walking you through short form video culture and all the different features of the TikTok platform so that you are able to create content right now. 

And whether it’s for you as a creator or you as a business on the platform. 

And so if you’re interested in that, go ahead and click HERE for more information about the course. 

How to use a trending audio

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 2, 2023

Using trending audios on TikTok are super popular, but if you’re brand new to TikTok, you’re probably confused.  In this article, I’m gonna share with you a very simple

It is New Year! 

Happy 2023! And I’m so excited to share that we are doing something different here in 2023. 

One of the things we’re doing is we are kicking this off with a series. 

There are 10 articles in this series. But if you’re on the podcast, we have kicked these out all 10 all at one time.

So during this series, I’m gonna talk about a lot of different things. 

Some of them are going to be basics like reading the Bible. Others are gonna be all other types of things that I experience, when I am hearing God. 

But today we are kicking this off with reading books and going to classes.

So one of the things that I used to deal with the way that I thought about things was that, There’s God and God created me.

And He created the whole world. 

And in the Bible, all the things are there. You got from Adam to Jesus. From Genesis to Revelations. 

And so my thinking was that if there’s something that I need to know, then it’s all gonna be literally in the Bible. 

I can just read it and get exactly what I need from the Bible. 

But here’s what I started to learn. What I started to learn was that that’s not necessarily the case.

There are things written in the Bible for me, but also, there are people that have spent lots of time with God. 

They’ve just been on this earth a lot longer than me, and they’ve had a relationship with Him a lot longer than me, and they have more revelation into certain things.

And I had this opportunity to read about other people’s encounters with God. I have read about other people’s experiences with God, whether that’s in a book or by going to their class. 

I have a business and I teach people how to strategically build their businesses online, and my clients come to me because I have experience in something that they don’t have experience in. 

I have revelation and knowledge in things that they don’t have, so they pay for my book, for my classes or for consulting. 

And it reminds me of that. 

And so I feel like it’s the same way if you are wanting to learn more about God. 

We’re gonna talk about the Bible in the latter part of the series. So don’t get me wrong. But if you wanna learn more about God and hearing God, one of the things you can do is you can read books.

You can purchase books from people, pastors, leaders, ministers that have been on this journey with God for some time and have learned how to hear His voice. 

That they’re actually able to teach you why you are experiencing this or that. 

I mean, there’s so many books that I’ve read over the years from my business as well as for ministry. And when I think about what I have learned on the inside of those books, they literally caused me to skip a bunch of steps.

It’s like some of the pitfalls I could have fallen into but I didn’t fall into because I’d learned so much by reading other people’s books and going to classes.

It’s like when I was having dreams at night, I didn’t know how to interpret them but I took some dream classes by watching some things on YouTube for an extended period of time, buying some DVDs, some CDs, and then doing a three month class on how to interpret your God-given dreams. 

And so all these different things and tools are here for us. 

If one of the ways you wanna learn how to hear God, then I strongly recommend that you start picking up some books. 

And whether those are physical books or those are audio books. I highly recommend that you pick up some books and find some classes of people that are teaching things you wanna learn about.

If you wanna learn about the apostolic, evangelists, the prophet, prophetic dreams, visions, or whatever. Then start doing some research. 

You may be attending a church where they don’t talk about those things, and that’s okay if they don’t, but if that’s something that you wanna learn about. If it’s something that you want to be able to walk in a lot better or hear God in other ways.Then I would strongly recommend you do some research. 

We go to Google and we search for everything else. Why would we not go learn and attend some events and classes and seminars? To learn about ways that we can hear God. 

So that is episode one of this series. Take classes and read books. 

These are gonna be very short episodes to help you to get started with hearing God. And so, make sure to watch out for the next part of this series. 


In addition, if you need holy spirit-led guidance?

Want to know what God wants you to focus on in your life or business this year? Then a Creative Consult is for you.

Click here to find out more about Creative Consulting. 

Hearing God Pt 1: Take classes & Read Book

by Keenya Kelly

, on January 1, 2023

It is New Year!  Happy 2023! And I’m so excited to share that we are doing something different here in 2023.  One of the things we’re doing is we

I don’t know why New Year’s resolutions have such a bad reputation. 

Why do people hate New Year’s resolutions? When did we become a hater of people that are choosing to try to do something new at the beginning of the year? 

I absolutely love New Year’s resolutions. I make them every single year. 

I can’t say that I fulfill them all, but at least we can come up with some ideas of what we would like to do better. 

Because if push comes to shove and we have 10 things on our list and we accomplish one, then guess what? We accomplished one thing this year that we didn’t last year.

In this article, we’re talking about New Year’s resolutions. 

So before we say New Year’s resolution, let’s just talk about goal setting. 

How many of us have goals?

Your goals can be “I want to go to France, I wanna go to Spain, I want to get married, I want to have children” and other goals. 

When I look at goals, I look at them as sorta kind of New Year’s resolutions. 

And so your goal in life may not be, “I want to stop smoking” but that could be a New Year’s resolution.

But if we didn’t put the stigma on New Year’s resolutions as this thing we’re gonna quote unquote stop doing, and set it as a goal of, “Hey, to better my health, I am going to stop smoking” 

Then I don’t think that we would look at New Year’s resolutions the way that we do.

I’m a really big fan of New Year’s resolutions for a couple of reasons. 

One, I have heard for years people talking about those that go to the gym. 

You have your favorite gym machine. You have it available every single morning at eight o’clock, seven o’clock, whatever time it is.

You go to the gym, nobody’s there. Everything’s fine. Everything’s perfect. 

And then at the beginning of the year, all these people join the gym, and then now your treadmill is taken up. 

Now you’ve got all these people in there doing stuff at this time of the morning that normally nobody is there. And so you’re annoyed. 

Well, I look at it a little bit differently. 

If I think about a person who has not been working out, a person who has not been taking care of themselves the way they should be, and they make this goal that they’re gonna try this and they’re gonna start working out.

As much as it may be an inconvenience for me and my favorite treadmill. If I look at it from a human standpoint, I am more happy that this person is there taking care of themselves.

Does that make sense? 

I’m more like, “Glad that this person is here taking care of themselves”

Because I’m like, you know, if he or she works out, then they could lose weight, tone up or whatever that is causing them to want to be in the gym. 

When someone says, I’m gonna stop smoking this year, I would wanna encourage them to stop smoking because I know what smoking can cause. I know what it has done to a lot of members of my family that are smokers.

When I think of some of my friends that have gone vegan. One of my friends was dealing with postpartum depression for a couple years. 

And the doctors could not figure out how to help her.

And she heard God tell her to go vegan, and she went vegan. Then a few months later she came completely out of postpartum depression and went back to work. 

Her husband is making more money than they ever made. They just bought a house. 

All this stuff as a result of. It wasn’t even a goal, but it was like she was just trying to better herself.

So I love New Year’s resolutions. 

I love it when people make these goals that they’re gonna try something new, they’re gonna do something new. 

I love it. I really do. Even if it is an inconvenience to me. 

One of my goals has always been to learn how to swim.

And I said that for years, “I’m gonna learn how to swim this year” 

I said it for years and years. And it wasn’t until the beginning of 2020 or at the end of 2019, that I had started swimming lessons. 

And I started learning how to swim and then covid hit and I had to stop.

So then once I got down here to San Diego, I decided I’m gonna find a swim instructor to come to my house to teach me how to swim. 

It took me a year to do it, but guess what? I’ve had six swim lessons and I am now in the water swimming by myself. 

I wouldn’t be in that place had I not set this goal or this quote unquote, New Year’s resolution.

You don’t know this. But last year I went to Mexico for three weeks and I did not get in the water. 

I was too afraid of getting in the water. 

But I don’t feel that anxiety or that fear of getting in the water anymore because I had this goal. 

I had this resolution, and even though it took me a couple years to do it, now, I have officially done it. 

In addition, it has always been a goal of mine to learn how to dress, how to coordinate and put these things together and all that type of stuff.

I just don’t know what I’m doing. And this year I decided, “Okay, I’m gonna just start ordering things off of Amazon, off of Fashion Nova, off of these different shops. And just start trying to put things together” 

And as a result of me trying to put things together, now, things are slowly coming together.

And so if you are someone and you are considering setting New Year’s resolutions, here’s what I would say to you. 

First of all, I would say do it. 

Make a list of the things that you want to do in 2023, and then make a short list of things that you want to stop doing. 

Now, I also want you to make a realistic list. Because I really want you to get some wins. 

I want you to get some wins within the first, 30, 60, 90 days of 2023. 

So if you say, “I’m gonna stop smoking” 

Then why don’t you make your goal? You can say “I’m gonna stop smoking six cigarettes a day, and I’m gonna take it down to three” until such time you only smoke two, one or completely not smoking anymore. And it doesn’t feel weird anymore.  

Because sometimes we just try to do too much or too fast.

So I remember a year ago, I had been on this journey that I really wanna lose weight. 

And I said, “Okay, once I lose my first five pounds, I’m gonna buy myself a gift. Buy myself a necklace” 

And so I focused and I lost seven pounds. 

So I went and bought myself this beautiful Tiffany’s necklace that I wanted and it was great.

Then I said, “Okay, I’m gonna lose 15 pounds” 

And I haven’t gotten there yet, because I had lots of different setbacks and it’s okay. 

But I started with going, “Okay, if I start with five, five is easier for me to do than 50” 

And so my goal is to go for another five and once we go for that five, then we can go for another five.

In that way it’s not like I’m trying to do too much at one time because it just feels unattainable. 

It just feels impossible.

Instead of trying to go after the 50 pounds and you look up at some point in time that you only lost 30 and you beat yourself up. But you fail to realize that you lost 30 pounds.  

So that’s what I wanna say about New Year’s resolutions.

I absolutely adore them. I think they are worth the investment of time and energy 100000%. 

And it’s really important to know this, that if you are around people who don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions or aren’t encouraging you to set New Year’s Resolutions. 

I’m not saying to get away from them completely, but I am saying that you’re gonna have to surround yourself with people that believe in what it is you’re doing. 


That will encourage you, that will motivate you, and that will support you. Otherwise, if you continue to stay around people that are not setting goals for themselves then they’re gonna be trying to tempt you. 

If you’re trying to get rid of carbs, they will try to tempt you with carbs. 

Whereas someone who is really trying to help you with your goals, like your weight loss goals, they’re going to be supportive of you and not offer you carbs.

And sometimes they may not even order carbs around you because they love you so much that they don’t wanna tempt you. 

You may start creating your goals for different areas of your life, and one of your goals could be for your business to grow. 

And so, if you are ready to use TikTok for your business, but need some guidance on getting started? Be sure to grab your FREE TikTok Video Idea Templates HERE so you don’t need to reinvent the Tok!

EP: 180 New Years Resolutions: Should you have them?

by Keenya Kelly

, on December 27, 2022

I don’t know why New Year’s resolutions have such a bad reputation.  Why do people hate New Year’s resolutions? When did we become a hater of people that are

In this article, I’ll be sharing with you the 5 things you need to know to market your business on Tiktok.

First, it’s important to know that you don’t have to dance and you don’t have to be goofy to have success on the Tiktok platform. But you do need to have creative content.

Meaning, people are coming onto the Tiktok platform to be entertained. So, if you’re gonna create content on Tiktok, it cannot have the same kind of feeling as if someone is watching a TikTok video.

That means you could have a little bit of animation, you can have some different captions and things of that nature.

You can literally talk directly to the screen. 

It just cannot be boring.

Second, you need to have a Call To Action in your videos.

Meaning, that the behavior of people on TikTok is to watch short videos and scroll, and scroll, and scroll.

But if you’re giving people a call to action in your videos, whether that is you speaking it or that is having text on screen, then you are more than likely to be able to generate leads or make sales from the link that is in your bio. 

Oftentimes, people forget to actually say, click here to grab this or do this, but we forget that we have been told what to do our entire lives.

So, if you tell people to click the link for this or send a direct message for this, then more than likely you’re gonna have a lot more people engaged with that call to action.

The third one is choosing what type of account you’re gonna have.

There is a personal account and a business account.

Now, with a personal account, you have to have your first 1,000 followers before you can use TikTok live and before you can have a clickable link in your bio.

But you can use all the copyrighted sounds and music on a personal account. 

If you have a business account on TikTok, you get access to a clickable link in your bio immediately, but you still have to wait till you get to 1,000 followers to go live. And you cannot use copyrighted sounds and music.

However, there are some different features on a business account that a personal account does not have, like clickable links and TikTok live stream, and the ability to take a video on your page and run it as an ad.

So it’s really important for you to determine in what ways you wanna use your TikTok account to choose a business or a personal account.

Fourth, your audience is there. 

Now, oftentimes business people get over to the TikTok platform. 

They start scrolling, and they’re not seeing their target audience in the videos, so they assume that their audience is not there, but that’s not the case.

Your audience is there, most people just aren’t posting because they don’t know how to use the actual platform.

At least 40% of people on the TikTok platform right now are over the age of 30. 

They just don’t know how to create content. So they’re scrolling and engaging and being entertained.

Don’t judge what’s happening on the “For You” feed as it pertains to like, is your audience there? They are there.

And if you start posting, you’re gonna watch your audience engage with you a lot faster than any other social media platform. 

And the final thing every business needs to know about using TikTok is that your brand needs to have a little bit of fun.

Again, I’m not saying you have to dance or be goofy but allow yourself as a business to color outside of the line. 

So if you go on to TikTok, you’ll see people like Delta and Chipotle and Apple and Hulu, and Amazon having a lot more fun with their content on TikTok than they are anywhere else. 

One of the beautiful things about that is that if you use the content you make on TikTok and you see it perform well.

You can just remove the TikTok watermark and you can use that video on Instagram reels and on YouTube shorts. And on Facebook, you can recreate that and make it into a horizontal video.

Now you know that people love this type of content. So it’s a really great place, a great way for you to be able to start with your creativity as a business, color outside the lines, and have a lot more fun on the TikTok platform.

Are you ready to use TikTok for your business, but need some guidance on getting started? If so, be sure to grab your TikTok Marketing Bundle HERE!

5 things every business needs to know about using Tiktok

by Keenya Kelly

, on December 27, 2022

In this article, I’ll be sharing with you the 5 things you need to know to market your business on Tiktok. First, it’s important to know that you don’t

Do you want people to binge watch your content on TikTok when you’re not even on the app? 

Well, in this article, I’m gonna share with you how to add covers to your TikTok video so that when people go to your profile, they’ll start binge watching your content. 

It is a very easy process of how this works. 

And so when I say a cover, a cover looks like this. 

It doesn’t look like how it looks on Instagram reels or Instagram per se, but this is how a cover looks on TikTok.

And oftentimes when I have these covers, people will come and binge watch so many of my TikTok videos, and I end up getting a lot of followers, leads, and all that for my business. 

After you create a video that you want to add a cover in it. Go ahead and click on next, and this is where we’re gonna add the cover. 

So as you can see in the image, it says Select cover. 

It’s very simple, but you know, a lot of people don’t know that it’s there. And this is where you can add your cover.

Now here’s all the different types of covers you can add.

At this point, you cannot import a cover. You have to choose what TikTok has there. 

So I always go with the one that says Glitch, and you can write what you wanna put in. 

And then you just hit done in the upper right hand corner, click save, and then now you have your cover there.

Having covers in your videos just really helps people to see what is happening in this video before they choose to click on it. 


So if you found this video valuable, be sure to also visit our Youtube Channel. That way you can always be alerted when we have new videos on how to use the TikTok platform or any business related topics.

Now, if you’re interested in learning more about how we can work together, I have an amazing Course that is very simple. It’s gonna help you walk through everything with the TikTok platform, understanding short form video, and then all the features of the platform.

It’s called Create on TikTok. 

Just click HERE to know more about the course. 

How to Add a Cover to Your TikTok Video

by Keenya Kelly

, on December 26, 2022

Do you want people to binge watch your content on TikTok when you’re not even on the app?  Well, in this article, I’m gonna share with you how to

It’s Christmas! 

I am so excited that today is Christmas. Christmas is my absolutely favorite holiday on the planet, and I’m so glad that I’ve been on vacation so I can enjoy it. 

I’m not exactly sure why I chose this topic on this particular day. Well, it is what it is. 

Maybe you’re reading this after Christmas, so it’s fine. Everything’s good. 

So I chose this topic called, “Getting Corrected in Dreams is Hilarious and Convicting”

One of the things that I wanna mention is that if you are having dreams at night, it’s really important to know this. It’s not always because of what you watched on tv. It’s not always because you had pizza or hot sauce. It’s not always because you had alcohol for dinner.

We sleep a third of our lives, so there’s like 24 hours in a day. We’re supposed to sleep for eight hours a day, right? And so eight hours out of 24, that’s a third. 

God is always talking. 

And so of course, if we’re gonna sleep for eight whole hours. That’s an opportunity for God to just invade our dreams and share something with us.

Now, it’s also important to know that what I have experienced with God is that a lot of times He speaks in hieroglyphics.

Meaning that, you have to get it interpreted. You have to learn how to interpret your dreams. 

It’s not like sometimes you’re gonna just know. 

So it’s kind of like in the Bible where the guy had a dream that he had a basket of bread on his head. It was like, “No, it wasn’t about having a basket of bread on his head. It’s like somebody with their head cut off or somebody was gonna die or whatever” 

Anyway, God is always speaking in dreams and so if you are not taking it seriously, then I would strongly encourage you to start taking that seriously. 

Well, I’m amazed by all the things He has shown me over the years.

So you know, that’s how I heard, how I knew that my ex-husband was being unfaithful. 

Because I didn’t see anything. God told me. 

I learned that it was multiple people because God told me. 

And today I’m sharing about how God will convict us in our dreams if we are paying close attention.

Let me give you an example, so some years ago, there were some people that I knew. They were supportive of me and I can’t say that I was supporting them in a way that I probably could or should have. 

And when I started going through the process of divorce. There were two people that when they knew I was going to divorce and I was crying like crazy, they called me and were praying and prophesying over me. 

And it was maybe a couple weeks or a couple months later that I had a dream about them. 

And He’s basically told me that, “You’re not very supportive of them. They have things that they do and you don’t support them. You don’t invest your money, your time, or anything for them”

And I was like, “OUCH”. 

And so when I woke up from that dream. I messaged them and said, “Hey, I had a dream last night. And God told me that I’m not very supportive of you guys. And so I’m really sorry that I have not been supportive of you, your business and all the things you’re doing over the years. Please let me know what’s a way that I can start to support you” 

And they were very shocked and that’s exactly how they felt. 

I got the dream and then I took action with it. 

And one of the other things that has been happening lately is that He convicts me about dating apps.

R.I.P. to my dating world right now.

And so I found myself getting antsy. That’s the best way to put it. Just antsy because it’s been eight years since I got divorced and I’ve been on a date only once.

Not from the lack of trying. I am putting myself out there. Everybody and anybody knows your girl is single. But God has been very clear about the dating apps. 

So I remember when I was in Houston, I was on Bumble. Granted I wasn’t going on any dates, but I was trying to connect with people and all that.

I was having dreams at night, and one of the dreams that I had was there was this guy who I was interested in. We had started having a conversation on Bumble. 

And I had a dream that night and I saw a guy in the dream who looked very similar to the guy that was on Bumble. And in the dream he just wasn’t paying me any attention.

And when I woke up I was trying to decipher what the dream was about. Because I had gone to some dream classes to learn how to interpret your dreams from a Bible stand. 

And I realized that God was saying that this guy is not into me and that I’m into him.

He’s not really into me. And I never heard from him again. 

God was telling me, “Hey, here’s what you think is happening and here’s actually what’s not happening” And that was that. 

But then just a couple of weeks ago, now that I’m here in San Diego, I still haven’t been asked on a date, and I got onto Facebook dating.

And I’m just talking to people and some of them seem nice. Nothing serious. I haven’t given my phone number to any of them.

Then I had a dream. I’m in this beautiful wedding dress.It’s packed outside and packed inside. 

Everybody is there. And I go inside and nobody’s walking me down the aisle. It’s just me. 

And people are looking. And then somehow I started dancing down the aisle and just being myself. And I look and I can’t find the groom and I can’t figure out how to get down to where the groom would be at.

So I go outside and try to figure out how to get to the groom, and I cannot get to the groom. And I never even knew who the groom was. I couldn’t even see him. 

And so then the next night I had another dream, and then the next night I had another dream. And so finally, I’m just like, “What is going on with this dream? Am I getting ready to get married?”

Because I’m not doing anything quote unquote bad. And so I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on and so I ended up sending the dreams to my best friend who’s not a dream interpreter, but she has a relationship with the Lord and she also knows me.

And I said, “What are you getting from this?” 

She goes, “Well, it just feels like you got a bunch of distractions. It’s like a bunch of distractions that are going on in your life and it just seems like God is talking to you about some distractions” 

And so there was someone that I had met recently and I told God, “Is that something going on with that person?” He said, “No” 

And I said, “Okay, well what is going on? Is this about the Facebook dating app?” 

And He said, “Yes” 

And I said, ”Yes? You’re telling me I had these three dreams, three nights in a row because of the Facebook dating app? So you want me to get off of the app?” 

He said, “Yes” 

And I’m like, what’s wrong with Facebook dating apps?

And I just felt He was saying that it’s not necessarily that there’s something wrong with the Facebook dating app as a whole. There’s just something wrong with it. 

For me, I felt like He’s saying, “I’ve got something for you. I’ve got someone for you. And he’s not gonna be on these dating apps. The experience that you wanna have is not gonna be on these dating apps. These dating apps are actually gonna be distractions of what it is that I’m actually trying to do with you and for you”

And so I deleted the app. Then, I have not had a dream since. 

Talk about conviction. 

But I don’t understand what is wrong? And what I just realized is that God is so kind. He loves us so much. And he will do whatever He can to protect us, to keep us on track, free of distractions, free of buzzards. 

I just have to remind myself about how much I love him, how much he loves me.

As much as I wanna go on a bunch of dates, I wanna be asked out. And like getting ready to go out on a date with a man. Getting dressed for and there’s all the things that go along when you’re getting ready to go on a date. 

And I miss that. I miss the butterflies. I miss all of that. 

And that dream is telling me that as much as I want that in my real life, that’s not what I want because it’s gonna distract me. 

And so God will talk to you as He talks to me, in our dreams. 

In an effort to keep us on track, to convict us and all the things. Like apologizing to a friend, to get off the dating apps, to strategies for my business, to get use TikTok marketing for my business. All this stuff. 

He is so intentional with all the stuff. 

And if we just pause and allow Him to speak to us and allow ourselves to go, “What is it God is saying here? Is he saying something here to me?” 

If we will just steward those dreams. And the way to steward a dream is when you wake up and you’re in that bed and you realize you just had a dream. Then you start grabbing your phone or let’s you write down what you just had in your dream. What just happened in your dream. 

I have this thing that when I do meet someone and we get to the stage where we’re talking about marriage, then I’ll have this very honest conversation with him.

I’ll say, “Hey, listen, I have this thing where as soon as I wake up in the morning, as soon as I turn off my alarm, before I turn over to kiss you or anything, I am gonna grab from my phone if I had a dream that night. And the whole goal is not to check text messages, social media, it’s for me to capture what I just got in a dream so that I don’t lose it” 

Oftentimes when we don’t write down what we just dreamt, as soon as we wake up, we lose it. 

And so that’s something I’ll tell him when that time comes because I’m trying to steward the dreams and capture what it is.

And so, that’s just something I wanna talk to a future spouse about. 

So I just wanna share with you guys  that it’s really important to pay close attention to your dreams that God is talking about. 

He is always talking. And if you’re gonna lay down, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours at a time. Why wouldn’t he wanna talk to you during that time?

And so He’s talking. 

Steward the dreams. 

And if you’re having dreams, I’m curious, let me know if you’re dreaming and if you are learning to interpret your dreams.

Going on a journey with God can prove to me one of the most amazing experiences of your life, but it can also prove to be a little confusing. I want to walk alongside you and help you to not only fall more in love with Jesus than you are today, but truly discover all that lies within you. 

The bible identifies 25 different spiritual gifts that are still in operation today, and it may be surprising to you, but one or some may also lie within YOU!

We have created this simple quiz that is designed to be a guide for you. 

I’ll share this with you. Today, your results may say one thing, but in six months as you grow, it may reveal something else. 

Take the quiz and be sure to share it with your friends. 

Getting corrected in dreams is hilarious & convicting

by Keenya Kelly

, on December 25, 2022

It’s Christmas!  I am so excited that today is Christmas. Christmas is my absolutely favorite holiday on the planet, and I’m so glad that I’ve been on vacation so


by Keenya Kelly

, on January 6, 2018